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Rotary Charities $100K Match Met in 6 Months

Matching Grants Help Campaign Exceed Expectations

When Rotary Charities of Traverse City awarded the New Interlochen Public Library Campaign a $100,000 challenge grant in June, it was with clear intent. “We award challenge grants specifically to spark community giving,” said Rotary Charities Executive Director Marsha Smith. Just six months later, it was evident the challenge had done just that.

Not only did the campaign meet the challenge in half the allotted time, it more than doubled its donor base from 133 in 2014 to 315 in 2015. “The breadth of donors really energized the campaign,” said Campaign Co-Chair Mary Beth Hardwicke, M.D. “On one end of the spectrum, young people brought in their piggy banks and raised money through garage sales and on the other end major foundations awarded us six figures.” The campaign exceeded its 2015 goal by 27 percent, pushing it past $1.6 million by year’s end, leaving a 2016 goal of $827,573 to reach the campaign’s $2.5 million goal.

The campaign’s success has been fueled by a steady steam of challenge grants, including $100,000 from the Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundation based in Midland. Awarded in early December, year-end donations have helped the campaign bank more than seventy-five percent of the match in a little over a month. After that, the campaign will work to meet a $50,000 challenge from a private donor. Major grants played a key role in the campaign’s 2015 success. “This is an exciting initiative that will provide the Interlochen community with enrichment and education for years to come,” said Gerstacker Foundation Chairperson Gail Lanphear. “We are impressed with the local leadership and support for this project.”

Hardwicke credits donors big and small with recognizing the library’s critical community role. “We have great momentum and continue to have new interest in the campaign. The cabinet is confident we’ll be celebrating the campaign’s completion in a year.” For a graph of campaign progress, click here

Beth’s Blog: Hunt Library Inspires Dynamic Discovery

1Beth_GourleyIdeas and Dreams for A 21st Century Library

A blog by Beth Gourley, Director of Libraries at Interlochen Center for the Arts and a member of the new Interlochen Public Library campaign cabinet. Share your library dreams by commenting on this blog or email Beth at

Libraries have long been places where people gather to learn, share, and synthesize information. Add to that equation a leading technological university with forward-thinking leaders and you have the new Hunt Library (check out the video below). The students, faculty and administrators at North Carolina State University have high praise for the dynamic spaces that make this one of the most innovative libraries in the world.

While the library contains traditional quiet areas for those that just want to enjoy a good book, the facilitation of information sharing and collaboration is a major focus of the design. An automated book delivery system replaces traditional stacks, freeing up valuable space for interaction.

In addition to the architectural focus on high tech spaces, the building takes advantage of external landscapes and natural light. The result is a library that inspires its patrons to engage in the dynamic discovery required to shape the future.


BLOG: Notes and Dreams for The 21st Century Library

A blog of dreams and ideas by Beth Gourley, Director of Libraries at Interlochen Center for the Arts and a member of the new Interlochen Public Library campaign cabinet. Share your library dreams with Beth at

The New Library of Birmingham, England – A People’s Palace

A video featuring patrons of the new library in Birmingham, England captures the kind of excitement I’m looking forward to when we cut the ribbon and open the new Interlochen Public Library.

Watch the video and you’ll find this is a library where patrons are proud of it, impressed by it, and want to brag about it.

They think it is approachable, stimulating, modern and housed with helpful people.

They describe their library as…
…a place to work
…a place to imagine
…a place to make connections
…a place to be comfortable
…a place to borrow books
…a place to hang out
…a place to create

It is a place available to every type of person. The library provides an environment that encourages people to question, think, reflect and look at new ideas for the first time and old ideas in a new way.

It’s a place that inspires you to learn.
It’s a place to study.
It’s a place people look forward to visiting and getting to know.
It’s a place that uses its resources to help patrons create.
And it’s a place that has easy access for everyone.

While the new Interlochen Public Library may not be as grand as the one in Birmingham, England, it can provide all of these assets to our community.

This is the kind of library I want. What about you?

$25,000 Grant from Alden & Vada Dow Foundations

A $25,000 grant has been received from the Alden and Vada Dow Family Foundations to support the New Interlochen Public Library.

Established in 1960, the Foundations seek to enhance the quality of life in Michigan through the funding of programs in the areas of the arts, the environment, education, health and human services, and youth programs. The Foundations focus their giving in Central and Northern Michigan.

For more information, visit

Chemical Bank Foundation grants $10,000

Since its inception in 2012, the Chemical Bank Foundation has supported many worthy projects around the state. Its goal – to improve the quality of life throughout the state and in the communities it serves.

With an understanding of the important community role played by libraries and the significance of the New Interlochen Public Library in the Interlochen community, the foundation has awarded $10,000 to the campaign.

“Chemical Bank serves Interlochen Public Library as a true community partner,” said IPL Board Chair Pat Thompson. In March, the bank’s local branch announced a $2,500 gift to the library campaign thanks to the work of branch manager Jan Crossman. In addition, bank staff members annually volunteer for a project at the library.

For more information on Chemical Bank’s Philanthopic efforts, visit

$2,500 Grant received from Cherryland Electric Cooperative

The Interlochen Public Library New Building campaign can add another local business to its growing list of supporters. The library was among five Grand Traverse area non-profits to receive grants through the Cherryland Cares program.

Over the past five years, volunteers on the Cherryland Cares board have granted nearly $250,000 to area non-profits. Each month, when members choose to round up their electric bill to the nearest dollar, money is placed into the Cherryland Cares fund. A volunteer board reviews grant applications from local nonprofits and allocates funds. One hundred percent of the donated money is returned to worthy community causes.

To round up your monthly bill in support of Cherryland Cares, call 231-486-9200.

Gerstacker Foundation Awards $100,000 Grant


The Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundation based in Midland, Michigan has awarded a $100,000 grant to the Interlochen Public Library New Building Campaign.

“The Gerstacker Foundation is very pleased to support this exciting initiative that will educate and enrich the Interlochen community for families,” said Foundation Chair Gail Lanphear. “The Gerstacker Family Foundation places a high priority on furthering educational opportunities for families. We are impressed with the local leadership and support for this project.”

The Foundation was founded by Mrs. Eda U. Gerstacker in 1957, in memory of her husband. Its primary purpose is to carry on, indefinitely, financial aid to charities of all types supported by Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Gerstacker during their lifetimes. These charities are concentrated in the states of Michigan and Ohio.

The Gerstacker donation marked the second major grant received by the campaign in less than a month. Rotary Charities of Traverse City recently announced a $100,000 Communty Challange Grant. The challange grant effectively doubles donations made by community members over the next year.

Rotary Challenges Community with $100,000 Matching Grant

Rotary Charities of Traverse City does not award $100,000 lightly. “We have very specific criteria involving community impact,” said Rotary Charities Executive Director Marsha Smith. “The New Interlochen Library is a project that touches nearly every aspect of the Interlochen community.”

On average, Rotary Charities awards more than $1 million annually to area non-profits. The $100,000 challenge grant was the highest awarded during the spring grant cycle. “We award challenge grants specifically to spark community giving,” said Smith. “Every $50 gift now becomes $100.” The New Interlochen Library campaign has one year to raise enough money from the community to match Rotary’s grant, turning $100,00,000 to $200,000.

“You can feel the excitement and energy in our patrons when they learn of the plans,” said Library Director Renee Kalchik. “People ask us daily how they can give.”

Click Here for a video featuring community members

Click Here to make a donation

Interlochen Library Campaign Celebrates $1 Million Mark

January, 2015

INTERLOCHEN, MI – With less than a year under its belt, the Interlochen Public Library New Building Campaign has raised $1 million toward its $2.5 million goal. “Community interest in this project has been overwhelming,” said Interlochen Public Library Board of Trustees Chairperson Pat Thompson. More than 40 volunteers now help lead the effort, focusing on areas such as grants and community giving.

In January, the group hosted a community celebration to commemorate the $1 million milestone at Fellowship Hall, adjacent to the current library on Riley Rd.

Why a New Library?

The new library offers 21st century design features to accommodate the growing use of technology to access information. Interlochen Public Library’s information technology usage increased 47% from 2012 to 2013 with the addition of a wireless network. In the decade to come, Green Lake Township is projected to grow at a faster rate and attract younger people than other areas in Grand Traverse County. A member of the Traverse Area District Library (TADL) network, Interlochen Public Library is the only TADL library west of Traverse City. Typical usage is second only to the district’s main branch on Woodmere Ave. in Traverse City. The plans also include a community center. Interlochen Public Library’s patronage has grown significantly during the past decade.

Obsolete Building

Independent inspections estimated a minimum of $1.2 million in renovation and repair would be needed for the current thirty-year old building to meet growing demand. “Trying to retro-fit this building to meet the demands of 21st century library patrons would be throwing good money after bad,” said Thompson.

Smart Growth Opportunity

To increase visibility and tie-in with the Village of Interlochen’s development plan, the new building is slated for a site adjacent to the Green Lake Township offices off M-137. It is seen as the spark needed to develop a “town center” envisioned by Interlochen and Green Lake Township planners. “Our library really is the hub and heart of the community,” said director Renee Kelchak. “We’re looking forward to not only continuing, but enhancing that role.”